Lal Lal State Forest - Venturer Hike

VENTURERS!!! A couple of weekends ago our intrepid Venturers, sibling Scouts, Venturer leaders and a rogue (if slow-walking) Cub leader "ventured" out for a hike-in camp in Lal Lal State Forest. A bit of preparatory map and compass work before Venturers navigated us around some tracks to find some markers & mystery objects, then to the campsite. Individual tents set up and dinners cooked before a good fire and rest. The next morning saw independent breakfast and pack up, before hiking out across a saddle to learn triangulation with map and compass, then finding the way back to the car park and the trip home. Completed stage 4 bushwalking and the start of stage 5. All in preparation for this weekend's IGLUTE!!! More on that later!

Great fun to be had if your Joey, Cub or Scout takes on Venturers! (Fun for the leaders too!)


SES Chelsea


Fishing and rock pooling